Subways Serials
Jay Street, Borough Hall (BMT, IND)
Each day
Back and forth
Ft. Hamilton to Delancey,
Delancey to Ft. Hamilton
I sit quietly and watch people
in their underground mode:
Their rush for a seat, the slight apprehension of "what if... we stop?"
The curled up Post or Daily News curtains
(New York Times after 7th Avenue)
providing the necessary isolation.
The morning air is slightly stale, pre-breathed
This afternoon it will be thick with 8-hour collected living.
But that is later.
For now, we go elevated. Like we do.
The morning sun, bright, orange juice-y
jolting everyone out of their submission a bit.
A little ethereal,
A subway traveling in mid-air out of its element
To pick up Providence for its daily commute.
And to me... it's a surprise every time.
A man and a woman board at 4th Avenue
Speaking softly to one another
Neither of them reading papers
Just appreciating each other.
We are elevated, they are elevated, rising in their connection
Their love, new or old, bathed in that orange juice-y light
Their slight smiles catch pulpy bits of sun.
Lower Manhattan a table set in front of them
...With it's centerpiece missing.
Now just glasses and plates, forks and knives
The lovers don't notice.
The tunnel swallows us whole. They join hands and stand mute to combat the darkness.
Then, there is Carroll,
Then, there is Bergen,
Jay Street-Borough Hall, transfer point.
The lady looks at her gentleman longingly
She exits with a war-time drama.
He sulks.
As I witness Jay Street-Borough Hall come between two people
I feel wildly alive!
I witness the intangible become solid in its breaking.
My own pulpy lips smile, not for the parting, but for the anticipation of the reunion.
The breaking reversed with time's mending.
That raising and falling to get from here to there and back again.
The movements from mind to hand... And back again.
The Transit from heart to soul... And back again!
All my thoughts on the matter, one out of
each day
Back and forth
Ft. Hamilton to Delancey
Delancey to Ft. Hamilton
Jay Street Metro Tech (BMT, IND)
Each day... still
Back and forth
Ft. Hamilton out to so many other places now
42nd Street Bryant Park to GCT
34th Street Herald Square to Penn, new, old, future
Transfer to the R for New Amsterdam
Fulton Street for City Hall Park
I used to be a teacher
I am a time traveler now
A Mad Mad Mystic
Peeling back frequencies of sound to peer into the heart of things
Absorbing the rhythms and vibrations to get to the soul of things
The heart of a city started by the deep seeds of profit
Or tracing the outline of a marvel against the sky
Over and over I rebuild
With my finger, tracing the ceilings and the columns
Brick by brick, story by story,
But now I'm listening to the metric rumble under the train car
Da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM
For me a dark tunnel is salvation
Da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM
A subway train is where I find my home
...Witness to all transits both tangible and intangible
...and I thought alone... always alone.
but on the loop, I found you.
Our twin souls at their edges ever mix
This is the first stop on this uptown six.
At Jay Street Metro Tech
Transfer point
I see me, looking at me...
... and you
And my pulpy lips smile.
All the transits are ours: time, space, IRT, BMT, IND.
All that is broken and unbroken is ours
There is room for all of it
On our spectrum.
Whether in darkness or in light...
I am...
We are... always.
My thoughts now
Back and forth
Ft. Hamilton out to so many other places now.
14 City Hall (IRT 6)
This is the last stop on the downtown six
It will be going back the way it came,
The riders leave but we know all the tricks
Since we’re the only ones who still remain.
No one could know the treasures that we hid
Down deep inside this long-abandoned jewel.
The fourteen arches flown against the grid
Each one a bending arc of love’s strange rules.
My heart’s a station buried on a turn
Your heart’s a tunnel stretching in the dark
A union sealed when naked bulbs do burn
For all to see this universe we mark.
Our twin souls at their edges ever mix
This is the first stop on the uptown six.
FT. Hamilton Parkway (IND-F,G)
As he writes that word his chest heaves an uncontrolled rise.
His throat chokes back the still birth of a lump.
This is home.
The rider never felt that
until he physically wrote “Ft. Hamilton Parkway.”
Like a schoolboy writes the heading to a composition
and every so often ponders the shape of his name
or the integrity of his thoughts, his beliefs, his body, his heart, his loves, his wins, his family, the color of his eyes in the mirror as they look back at him begging him to appreciate all the miracles that came together to give him the ability to walk the 1126 steps to the station entrance, the one buried under a playground, next to the Prospect.
The one no one can find, the one that when first-time riders emerge, they look at him in desperation crying, “Oh good God, which way is Ocean Parkway? Canton Avenue? Ft. Hamilton Parkway???”
In the twenty-five seconds of saturation in one word he knows he lived most of his 14,600 days, and most of the 11,410 train trips dreaming home was somewhere else.
And since the rider is a dreamer... as sure as the stretch between 15 Street Prospect Park feels like the change of a generation... he will continue to think about the allure of other stations and the lives that go on above them.
But for now,
in this mediation of his
two track, two platform, base
from which he daily comes
and daily goes,
the rider can no longer deny
the simple
that is
coming home.